My, name is Lucie Janouchová and I come from the beautiful city called Liberec, upon which is peaking Ještěd - amountain with a great ski areal, where I spent almost every minute of my childhood. I grew up in this city surrounded by mountains, so logically I grew
to be addicted to winter sports. My passion was snowboarding, not only as a sport, but as a specific kind of
lifestyle as well. Snowboarding enriched my life with a lot of friends,
experiences, and many new places that I visited. I was snowboarding a lot and
wanted to become better and better. This
is what lead to my participation in the Czech representation team of snowboarding. I was racing whole winter time, in
summer I was windsurfing, wakeboarding and now - I am into kiteboarding as
Paradoxically it was kiteboarding that lead to my first steps in surfing. I
went to Bali with my friend, with whom we wanted to try kiteboarding, but the
conditions weren´t good enough. There was no other chance for us, than to try surfing.
Actually I think Bali is the best place for learning how to surf.
And by that, my passion was born :)
When I came back home from Bali, I just couldn´t stand being without surfing,
and after one month, I moved my life to Bali and I now spend 3/4 of the year
living there :)
Surfing and snowboarding don´t have a lot of things in common. I cannot
tell which one is better or which one I like more, but now - surfing is the sport no.1 for me and
I am quite sure, I cannot ever stop surfing - it just grew to be part of my
my name is Silvie Krejčíková and I am from Liberec city- as well as Lucy
My story about how did I got to surfing is a little bit different, actually
completely different.
I cannot do any sports with one board - not skating, not snowboarding - and
I am not a very good swimmer as well. I am scared when having my head under the
water. I was only racing in crosscountry skiing for a few years in my life, another
few years I have spent partying and travelling through Spain during holidays.
As a compensation to my leisure time activities - not to be only the bad girl - I was
Winter sports were nothing fancy for me, snowboard lifestyle didn´t touch
me at all. My expartner wanted to surf and I had a lot of experiences in turism
in Spain, so together we founded a Surf School. I moved to Portugal to take
care of our guests and - I just happened to stay there permanently...
Though I am affraid of water, I am looking like I am constantly drowning
when I swim, I started surfing and I felt in love with it.
I started to work for International Surf School in Sagres, for a winter I
moved to Morroco and I have lived in Portugal for two seasons already.
I know my advantage, that I am the true example of motto if you want to
surf - you can. I started from zero, I didn´t have any assumptions to be
good at it, but I made it - and you can make it too.
I am the one who knows it the best, trust me :) Surfing is not only for
people with experiences with snowboarding, kitesurfing, wakeboarding or skating
- it is for you too.
I wrote an eBook in Czech language about making the first steps in
surfing, I made few interviews and I am trying to change the image of surfing.
You can fall in love with this kind of sport easier than you think. The only
thing you need is a GOOD instructor. In Portugal we´re teaching beginners as
well as the advanced, even my mommy started to surf there :)
Surfing is a
sport surrounded by a bubble of mystery, we are the ones to pierce it.
How did it all
Me and Lucy
have known each other for few years already. We knew our faces, names, but we
never had anything in common. It took few years, few lost and found friendships,
few movings to another countries to find out, that we have more things in
common, than we ever thought.
This blog is about us,
about our projects, dreams, wishes and trips.